In this short post I’m sharing my homemade sambuca recipe with you.
“Why are we talking about how to make your own sambuca on a financial independence blog?”
Well, ever had one of those days where your investments have plummeted without reason?
On those days, you could really do with some alcohol!!
So let’s talk about how to make your own sambuca at home… because you never know when you might need it!
Make Your Own Sambuca
It’s fairly easy to make this sweet anise Italian liquor at home. It won’t be completely the same as store-bought Sambuca, but this DIY version definitely tastes good!
Importantly… the ingredients are cheap and easy to get hold of. Certainly, a lot cheaper than buying a name-brand bottle in your local liquor store!
Why spend more of your hard earned money than you need to?
By putting in some work, raw ingredients, and patience… You can make your own sambuca at home!
How to make Sambuca: Recipe
This home made sambuca recipe is simple. All you need is:
- 500 ml white rum
- 200 g sugar
- 1 teaspoon of fennel seed
- 1 teaspoon of aniseed
- 1 teaspoon of coriander seed
You’ll also need a clean, glass bottle for your homemade sambuca. I used an empty whiskey bottle, but really any type of bottle will do. For this recipe make sure it’s a 700 ml bottle.
Are you ready to find out how easy it is to make your own sambuca at home?
Simply put all the ingredients in the bottle, and shake it lightly!
Congratulations, you’ve just made your own sambuca!
Now store the bottle in a dark location, but not in the fridge. I placed mine behind the couch. Just remember where it is because you need to shake the ingredients every day!
The process takes a month, so be prepared.
How It Works
You now know how to make your own sambuca at home. But how does it work?
Two things are happening in the bottle. The first thing is that the sugar dissolves in the alcohol, but this process can take the entire first week! It might initially feel like you have added too much sugar but this is not the case! Be patient! The sugar will eventually completely dissolve.
The second thing that happens is cold extraction. This process looks a bit like brewing tea, but it takes much longer! Cold extraction enables you to make your own sambuca by extracting flavor, color, and smell into the liquid.
After a month, your drink is ready!
Two quick steps remain. For this you will need a dishcloth and a coffee filter.
- Filter the sambuca through the dishcloth to get rid of the spices
- Then you filter the liquid through the coffee filter once.
Congratulations your DIY sambuca is ready to drink!
What Does This Sambuca Cost?
Where I live, a bottle of sambuca would cost about 25 dollars. This recipe was FREE for me since I already had all the ingredients. I always have spices on hand, and I got a bottle of rum as a gift. Now, I don’t drink rum so I made it into sambuca…
However, if you were to buy ingredients, I think you’ll be set back 10 dollars for the rum (it doesn’t have to be great quality) and perhaps some 5 dollars for the spices, sugar, and coffee filter. So all in all, it’s possible to make your own sambuca for nearly half the cost of a bottle in the store!
An added benefit is the pride of making your own stuff instead of buying it!
These sorts of penny-pinching antics are exactly what we like to see at Fire The Boss.
If you’d like to try more, check out:
2 thoughts on “How to Make Your Own Sambuca at Home: 5 Easy Ingredients!”
Hi Bas,
Thank you for sharing the recipe! I am certainly going to try to make my own Sambuca ‘FTB-way’! I however happen to see a little discrepancy between your description on the label of the bottle and the written recipe: the amount of rum used seems to be different. Is there a reason why you changed it?
Hi Marina,
I think this was a typo! To get the same results, please try the 500 ml!
I’ll update the article.
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